Even Rentals Have Curb Appeal—Here’s How to Increase Yours

Article written by Sarah Magnuson | Published: SEP 15, 2019 by Apartment Therapy

Curb appeal: that familiar phrase we hear on HGTV shows and from real estate agents. For many millennials, the reality of one day owning a piece of curb is far in the distance (you know, after paying off student loans and recovering from all those wedding guest-related expenses). But just because you’re a renter doesn’t mean you have to curb your enthusiasm for curb appeal. There are a few ways city slickers and multi-unit dwelling folks can take part in the quest for a gorgeous home exterior, too. What’s more, it could even benefit you financially!

Zach Opheim, a Nashville-based real estate agent with Compass, has his finger on the pulse of trends, both in Music City as well as across the country: He advises renters to get in touch with their property management company as soon as possible to discuss what can be done to boost their exteriors. “Often they will be flexible and sometimes allow for doors, door frames, and balcony railing to be decorated or painted,” he says.

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“Often they will be flexible and sometimes allow for doors, door frames, and balcony railing to be decorated or painted,”

— Zach Opheim


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